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Discovering Love on Cranberry Lane (Island County Book 11) Page 12

  “Listen, bad things happen in life. Good things happen in life.” He shrugged, clasping his hands together. “Sometimes, we fall into some bad stuff, even though we’re good people.”

  I stared at Dwayne, knowing he was a good person who didn’t do bad things.

  “I know in the last two years of my marriage, he began trading in stolen gems. Before that, he dabbled in real estate, which was what got him all the money he cherishes so much.” My hands turned clammy. I hadn’t even told Becca all of this. “He wasn’t…” I shook my head. “He knows the gray areas better than anyone. He knew the loopholes in real estate that would allow him to profit from others’ miseries. He made a small fortune exploiting things that never should have been manipulated.”

  “Do the authorities know?”

  I nodded. “Yes and no. My husband was smart enough to have a fall guy.” I sighed. “Well, several, and once they were convicted, he started in the jewelry trade.”

  “Do you have proof?”

  My brows furrowed. “Not with me.”

  Dwayne laughed. “I didn’t mean with you.”

  “Sorry. Tired.” I chuckled, rubbing my forehead. “I know he has several safe deposit boxes sprinkled throughout Portland, but so do I. I have one with copies of his bank records, ledgers, and anything else I thought might be important someday.”


  We could still hear the boys upstairs, and my stomach clenched, thinking about Colby’s dad. “I just wish Colby’s father was a decent man. I don’t want him to find out what kind of man his father is and…change.”

  “It’s not in Colby.” Dwayne smiled. “He’s got too much of you in him. Too much of the goodness.”

  I smiled and shook my head. “Thank you, but I don’t know that it’s as simple as that.”

  “It is.” He grinned. “But in the meantime, we need to do something that makes it very easy for your ex-husband to trip up.”

  I nodded. “I wish it were as easy as that.”

  “It will be.” He smiled and shook his head. “I just have to keep you safe until then, which means I think you should stay over tonight. For sure.”

  “I can’t…with Colby.” I shook my head.

  “You both can take the guest room upstairs. No strings attached.” He grinned, and I pretended to pout.

  “Maybe just one string?” I asked, sitting up on the couch.

  “What kind of string?” Dwayne’s eyes sparkled with an intensity that screamed sex, and I had to do everything in my power not to be led astray.

  I moved over to Dwayne and scooted onto his lap, looping my arm around his neck.

  “This string,” I whispered, pressing my lips against his.

  His lips parted, and our kisses deepened as he ran his hands down my sides, heightening every sensibility with confusion, wanting, and excitement.

  But as the kisses deepened, my worries took over and I tore my lips from his.

  “I’m—” I closed my mouth. “I’m confused.”

  He smiled and drew my hands into his. “When you’re done being confused, I’m here to finish the kiss.”

  I grinned and pecked his cheek before sliding off his lap.

  “Thank you for offering your home for us.” I stood and glanced at the clock near the fireplace. “But I think I should get Colby home and ready for tomorrow. It’s going to be a long day.”

  “So, I can’t convince you to stay?”

  I shook my head. “If Marvin is hiding out in the woods, spying on us…” I bit my lip. “I certainly don’t want to do something to inflame the situation.” I slid my hands into my jeans pockets. “And even though I know he doesn’t want me, I’m sure if he thinks that I’m staying over with a man, he’ll come up with a way to make my life a living hell, again.”

  Dwayne’s eyes stayed on mine, and he nodded. “It’s completely your decision.”

  “I want things to be as normal as possible for Colby. I refuse to let my ex-husband tarnish Colby’s first Halloween on the island.” I nodded.

  “Colby’s a good kid. But if you need anything…”

  “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me already. I never meant to invite crazy into your lives.”

  “You didn’t.” He stood and took a step toward me. “But I have to warn you…”

  “About what?”

  “As of tomorrow, I might be a taken man.”

  “How so?” My brows arched as I watched him fidget.

  “I’m being sold to the highest bidder at the Halloween party over at the library.”

  “Well, that’s too bad.” I laughed. “And things were just starting to be fun.”

  Dwayne laughed and shook his head. “Just starting?”

  I shrugged and gave him a quick peck on his lips as he shook his head.

  “Promise me that you’ll text or call when you get inside your apartment and that you’ll lock all the doors and windows.”

  “Promise.” I nodded.

  “And in the meantime, I’m going to come up with a way to get this pri—”

  The boys’ footsteps trundled in our direction, and I spun around to see Colby with another cookie in his hand.

  “You’re not going to want any Halloween candy with all these cookies you’re eating,” I teased.

  Colby nodded. “Yes, I will.”

  I kissed Colby and let out a nervous sigh that I hoped Colby would think was a happy one.

  “You ready?”

  “Yeah.” He waved at Aaron, who’d crashed on the couch, and Dwayne walked us to the door.

  I grabbed the bag and Colby’s costume on the way out.

  “Remember to call me,” Dwayne whispered as we stepped outside.

  I nodded and glanced around Dwayne’s yard as he walked us to my car, and I helped Colby into his booster seat.

  “I’ll be waiting.” Dwayne smiled as I closed the door and started the car.

  As I drove home and Colby talked all about his time with Aaron, my mind sputtered in thirty different directions. Was I doing the wrong thing by staying in my apartment? Was it really Colby’s dad traipsing around the sheriff’s home? Did I make the wrong decision coming to Fireweed? And the question I hated the most.

  Was I entangling Dwayne and Aaron into something they’d never be able to get out of? The pit in my stomach grew, and I knew what I had to do, even if it ripped my heart to shreds.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Colby and I walked down the sidewalk toward the library that was hopping with activity. Ghouls, ghosts, and vampires wandered the streets of Fireweed, and Colby looked like he wanted to take them all down in his police uniform. He was gripping his belt with each step and scanning the streets for anything suspect.

  I glanced down at my chicken outfit and wondered if I’d gone a little overboard. In addition to buying everything for Colby’s costume at the craft store, I’d bought yards and yards of white-feathered boas and glued and sewn them onto a white leotard. I was wearing a pair of yellow tights underneath with yellow felt talons for feet. My only saving grace was the chicken mask I was wearing over my face.

  A good night’s sleep made me feel much better about the situation with Marvin. I didn’t doubt that he was playing games on the island, but I felt more confident that I’d beat him when it mattered. He wasn’t a strong man, by any means. He was a wimpy bully, and I needed to put an end to it somehow.

  I still knew what I needed to do when it came to Dwayne. I couldn’t bring him down into my muck. He deserved better, and until I got rid of the dirt and grime, I wasn’t going to toy with his emotions. He’d been through enough.

  As we stepped into the library, the smell of books had been mingled with the scent of apple cider and popcorn.

  “Look at that.” Colby pointed at the cotton candy machine, and I giggled.

  “Looks like my policeman might need some cotton candy.”

  “Good thing Aaron’s not here yet. He’d try to glue it on his costume.” Colby waved at another litt
le boy in the corner with his parents.

  I chuckled and squeezed Colby’s shoulder as we wandered toward the flavored fluff.

  “Hey, I’m so glad you could make it.” Jewels's voice drifted my way, but I quickly looked down at my yellow legs and feathery stomach and was sure she was talking to someone else.

  There wasn’t a way in the world someone could recognize me in this. I watched Colby as he stood in line for the cotton candy and wondered if Dwayne had arrived yet.

  “Claire.” Jewels sounded more adamant.

  I slowly turned around to see Jewels dressed like the nineties Britney Spears and grinned.

  “How did you recognize me?” I asked, putting both hands on my hips between the feathers.

  Jewels shook her head. “I don’t know. Something about the costume just screamed Claire.”

  I wasn’t sure how to take that, so I just laughed as Jake walked over. I studied his costume, and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what he was supposed to be.

  “Are you?” I wagged my finger at him. “Are you Captain America?”

  He scowled at me and shook his head. “I’m J.T.”


  “Justin Timberlake.” He laughed and shook his head.

  “Oh, my gosh. I totally see it now.” I nodded and laughed. “Definitely Britney and Justin.”

  “A little slow on the uptake there.” Jake grimaced and chuckled, and I threw my hands up in the air.

  “What can I say? I’m a birdbrain.” I grinned, and Jewels groaned.

  “Oh, there’s your brother.” Jewels pointed toward the door, and Jake glanced in his brother’s direction.

  “Fred Flintstone,” I said, impressed. “Now that I recognize.”

  “And Maddie is Wilma.” Jewels clapped and jumped on her tiptoes.

  “She’s so cute,” I said, loving to see how much fun people were having at this event.

  I’d never really been into Halloween and dressing up, but something about this place just made me excited to be a part of it.

  “Hey, who’s that?” Jewels asked, pointing at someone who looked like Harley Quinn. She was walking behind Chance and Maddie, but she looked like she was part of the group.

  “That’s Harmony,” Jake answered. “One of Chance’s friends from Portland.”

  “Ah, his wild days.” Jewels chuckled, and I looked back over at Chance.

  Nothing really screamed wild about Chance or Maddie.

  Maybe a little bit wild when I looked at Harmony, but…

  “Mommy.” Colby yanked on my arm, and a couple of feathers floated away. “Aaron’s here.”

  “Where?” I asked, my heart skipping a beat as I looked for Dwayne.

  I immediately spotted Aaron in his dinosaur costume, but I didn’t see his father.

  My stomach tensed, hoping Marvin hadn’t started another wild goose chase on the island.

  As my eyes scanned one costume to the next, I realized how easy it would be for Marvin to slip into this event, and I’d never know.

  I let out a deep breath and shook that thought away. Hopefully, last night scared Marvin enough that he was back in Portland. The one thing he wouldn’t want was to be caught.

  “Can I go say hi?” Colby asked, and I nodded my beak.

  “Have you checked out the dessert table?” Jewels asked me as I watched Colby stroll over to Aaron.

  “Nope, but I bet there are some great things to drool over.”

  “So true.” Jewels waved at Maddie and then turned back to me. “I think the bids on the bachelors tonight might go crazy.”

  My heart sank. “Really? Why?”

  “Several librarians from across the water are here, and they’re single.” Jewels wiggled her brows.

  I chuckled. “Well, it won’t take much to outbid a single mom working as a waitress, so...”

  Jewels laughed. “Well, when you put it that way.”

  “But I did decide my son and I can go without food for weeks if we just gorge tonight.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Well, something tells me even if you don’t win him tonight, you’ve already won him for good.”

  I smiled and nodded, wishing I could rewind to several weeks ago before my crazy ex landed on Fireweed. Back then, I thought there was a chance with Dwayne, and whether anything came of us, we could have fun getting to know one another.

  Now, the thought of hurting him or—

  “Hi, Claire,” Maddie said, giving me a quick hug.

  “How in the world are you guys figuring out that it’s me under all these feathers?” I shook my yellow legs. “And these tights? How?”

  Maddie laughed and shrugged. “I dunno. Just seemed like something you’d wear.”

  I let out a frustrated laugh and shook my tail feathers.

  Chance walked up behind Maddie, and she introduced him to me, followed by Harmony.

  “Claire is new to the island too,” Maddie explained to Harmony, who lit up at the news.

  “Really?” she asked.

  I nodded and tried to smooth my feathers. “I am. I moved here from Portland with my son.”

  “That’s where I moved from.” She smiled.

  “I like your costume,” I told her, and her expression fell.

  “I’m not wearing a costume.”

  I gasped in horror, and a smile spread across her face. “I’m kidding. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that to you.”

  I giggled and groaned. “You remind me of my best friend. She’s still down in Oregon.”

  Harmony studied me, feathers and all. “Do you find it easy to make friends here, or is it pretty cliquey?”

  “I’ve found it pretty easy to make friends. Everyone has been so open and welcoming, really.” I rocked back on my heels, wishing I’d chosen a little sexier costume, like say… the one standing in front of me. “What made you move here?”

  “Chance gave me a job.” She smiled at Maddie and Chance. “They’re amazing friends. Amazing people, really.”

  “That’s kind of how I’ve felt about most of the people I’ve run across here.”

  Harmony smiled. “That’s nice to hear. So, what brought you up here?”

  “Running away from a bad marriage.” I laughed. “Man, that sounded awful.”

  “But honest.” She chuckled. “I’m kind of starting over too. I realized that I really like what I see between Chance and Maddie, but if I keep doing the same things and running in the same circles, I’ll never have a shot at it.”

  I nodded and smiled, thinking about Dwayne. “Yeah. I felt like I needed to get out of the cycle I was in too.”

  Jewels's voice crackled over the speakers in the library, and everyone hushed.

  “All right, lucky ladies.” Jewels paused for the applause. “It’s time to start the bidding on our most popular event of the night.”

  A rush of women headed toward Jewels, and Harmony and I laughed.

  “Cookies,” Jewels boomed into the microphone, and the women groaned, only to have Jewels start laughing. “Kidding.”

  The women started clapping again, and I shook my head. “I don’t think I’m cut out for this.”

  Harmony giggled. “At least no one will recognize you in that costume.”

  I grinned at Harmony. “Thank you.”


  “Our first bachelor is Ken Dillan. He’s a fisherman by day and a lover by night.”

  The library full of people chuckled as the poor, unsuspecting bachelor stood next to Jewels. There was no doubt about it. Fireweed grew some handsome men. Even in bright yellow floaters, fisherman Ken had it going on as he twirled around in place and Jewels divulged embarrassing details about his hobbies.

  “Remember, ladies. This is for an amazing cause. Fireweed library couldn’t function without you.” Jewels clapped her hands over her head, and Harmony looked over at me, impressed.

  “She’s good.”

  I nodded in agreement, and before I could respond, Harmony trund
led up with the rest of the ladies and started ferociously bidding on Fisherman Ken. The bidding war got heated, and only Harmony and a librarian from Seattle were left duking it out when Harmony finally won.

  Jewels fanned herself off with a card, and Jake rolled his eyes as she introduced the next bachelor from Fireweed, a banker who could make your home loan dreams possible.

  I hid a giggle and looked around for Dwayne. Still not spotting him, I walked over to Colby, who was busily chatting away with Aaron and sharing his cotton candy.

  “Why are so many women screaming over those people?” Colby asked, and Aaron crinkled his nose.

  “It’s just a fun Halloween tradition to raise funds for the library,” I explained, and the boys nodded.

  I spotted a little girl wandering around with a caramel apple. “Do you guys want a caramel apple?”

  “Yes, please.” Colby handed the rest of his cotton candy to Aaron and began following me as we hunted down the caramel apples.

  “Do you think Aaron would like a caramel apple or a candy apple?” I asked Colby, who turned around to see where his friend went.

  After a few seconds of not being able to locate him, Colby picked one of each.

  “I’ll give him whichever one he wants. I like them both.”

  I nodded and smiled at my son and his kindness as we found our way back to Aaron.

  The banker got claimed, and my heart skipped a beat when I thought about Dwayne being the prize.

  “Okay, we have two public servants this year who could be your private servants if you play your cards right.” Jewels laughed at her own joke, and I spotted Jake shaking his head and laughing.

  “We have Carl Ricci, who puts out fires for a living,” Jewels began, cracking herself up. “Actually, he changes tires for a living since our fire department is all-volunteer, but—”

  Jewels kept going, and I breathed a sigh of relief that Dwayne hadn’t stepped out from behind the mysterious curtain yet.

  “You okay, Mama?” Colby asked, taking a bite of the caramel apple.

  “Yeah. Just a little tense.” I smiled.

  “Because of Dad?” he asked, and it felt like the world fell out from underneath me. “No. Not because of him.” I bent down to whisper in Colby’s ear. “I’m a little tense because I’m going to bid on Aaron’s uncle.”